The Innate Power of Food for Enrichment for Dogs
Stubborn dogs!
Shock Collars! Why we don't need to cheat and use fear to get the behaviors we want from our compani
Resource Guarding: Helping them let their guard down
Polite Greetings: No more jumping up on people!
Leave it! How this cue can save your dog's life
Leash reactivity: What to do about it
Jumping: It's more than bad manners
Indoor & Backyard Exercise: Helpful activities when we can't get them out as much as they need.
Getting your dog used to car rides
Food manners: From begging to boundaries
Goodbye anxiety! Building independence and confidence in our dogs.
Drop it! Ending the game of chase
Dog Play: What's normal VS when to intervene
Clicker Training
Behavior VS Obedience: What's the difference?